the internet’s not written in pencil, its written in ink.



This whole fucked-up story exists solely because of the internet and lives on the internet. It weaves a twisted, foul-tasting web through blogs, newsletters, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook. It litters search engines like trash on a beach and places the blame on people who signed up for weekly updates, pressed like, subscribed, and DMed. This is a story that will be told with the public posts from the people that this story is about as I try to give you an understanding about how fucked up the situation is, how helpless we all feel, and how in the end, we are all complicit. Nothing will come of this. Abusers won’t stop abusing. People’s minds won’t change. You’ll just feel sick that people who get off on power and control exist and that you can’t do anything about it except continue to gawk and consume more about them. Their pain is our pleasure. We are all complicit.

Nothing in here is hearsay or gossip. It comes straight from the first person diaries of the people involved.

There is hearsay and secondhand accounts out there that flesh out the story, but without hard proof in writing or firsthand quotes, I cannot and will not put that here.

This fucked up world leaked into mine was when I was alerted of a Tumblr named Brutesndaddies, now known as brandedbulltank. Please be forewarned, there are many eye-roll inducing nicknames in this story that are linked to tragic figures.

Brutesndaddies was written by a “pup” named Tank Hafertepen, real name Jack Chapman of Australia. Tank was a “pup” in the sense that he was in love with someone who was a “master”, as in the Alpha in a relationship, who demanded to be served by his “betas” (also called slaves), albeit willingly.

 Tank is now dead, however, I’ll let him speak more about his relationship.

The following is an interview taken from the website International Puppy Play:

Speaker 2: You’re originally from Australia. And we’re here in San Francisco now. How did you meet Master Dylan?

Tank Hafertepen: We originally met on OkCupid, actually.

Tank went on to explain to him and “Master Dylan’s” physical connection:

Speaker 2: Why’s that? What was it that … obviously you had a very physical reaction to it, but what was it about that? You tell me. what was it about that?

Tank Hafertepen: That’s an interesting question, because I don’t think that on a conscious level I really did understand what it meant. I think that he was acting quite dominant and forceful towards me but the collar itself sort of represented a sense of ownership, or being owned in my particular instance.

Tank goes on to explain the contract that he and Dylan signed.

Tank Hafertepen: Well I think it’s, it’s interesting because the first contract that we wrote, it was heavily based on a … was a book that I’d bought off the Kindle store so I was kind of working with what I found I wanted to be part of the contract. He’d bring what he wanted to be part of the contract and we’d edit that together.

Speaker 2: Okay, what was the book?

Tank Hafertepen: “Becoming a Slave” by Jack Rinella.

Speaker 2: Yep. So you’ve used two words here, you’ve used the word “slave” and you’ve used the word “pup”. Do they have the same meaning or do they have a different meaning?

Tank Hafertepen: Well the two have very similar meanings but they are sort of different degrees of intensity, I suppose, that … to me to describe somebody as a “pup”, at least in my context, it’s kind of a softer way of saying that you’re a slave. Just because that … just to describe a person as being a slave, it has a lot of negative connotations and it’s a very, very intense word. It’s one that I took a couple of years to warm up to but it is one that I have come to embrace.

Speaker 2: And how have other people reacted to that?

Tank Hafertepen: I don’t really know. I don’t generally pay attention to that sort of thing.

Speaker 2: Okay. So have you had people close to you that have had concerns about going into a relationship structure that’s different and certainly unusual from what I’ve seen in the community?

Tank Hafertepen: A power exchange relationship with four people that’s power exchange? Or five people now.

Speaker 2: It sounds like the electricity wiring can’t be easy.

Tank Hafertepen: I have had a few people that have expressed their concerns to me over the last couple of years. There are some people that have sort of expressed their concerns early on where they’ve expressed “Jack, or Tank, you are losing your sense of self and I am worried for you.” And then you’ve got other people, which have had concerns themselves but have eventually sort of come around and think, “Well, I might not necessarily always understand the choices that you make but you’re happy and I can see that and that’s the most important thing.”

Still with me? I just want to be clear: I believe in the power of sexuality, sex, kinks and such. I believe that everyone should express themselves and feel pleasure however they see fit unless it comes from a place of darkness and hurts yourself or someone else. 

In 2016, Tank posted to his personal Tumblr, then called Brutesndaddies, about how he betrayed and failed his master, Dylan. Screenshotted below is his exact post, written in his own words. Please keep in mind, the internet is written in ink.


When I tell you the gay internet went apeshit over this, I am not exaggerating. The Tumblr post that screenshotted this and re-posted it, citing that it could be labeled as abuse garnered a couple thousand reblogs. The Master, named Dylan, or better known as NoodlesandBeef, had this to say about Tank May of 2016, but not directly regarding the event in question:


Master Dylan, or Noodlesandbeef, or Dylan Hafertepen, has spoken about having body dysmorphia, noted on an ABC News article about him. The article says the following:

Dylan Hafertepen, 29, struggled with a psychological condition known as muscle dysmorphia, which is more commonly called bigorexia.

Ultimately, Hafertepen’s infatuation with getting huge landed him in the hospital. He had gotten so big that his blood pressure became so high, he had to have his heart shocked back to normal.

His body is large, hulking, and round.  Him and his pups practice putting silicone injections into their penises and testicles.

Noodlesandbeef posted the following on his personal Tumblr:

I get turned on when people make fun of my bull balls and horse cock. Think of it like small penis humiliation, only for guys who are too endowed for a normal life.

In a post on his personal blog from January 2015, Dylan answers a question regarding body modifications, and how people make their testicles and penises bigger.


This is a photo of Tank from his personal Tumblr. He lived in Seattle during the time of his death.


The caption below this photo, written by Tank, says:

I’m not quite used to being 300 pounds yet.

I’m growing so big so fast, I don’t fit in my baggiest clothes… But my Master is always willing to lend a hand (or two wink)

The following is a recent photo of Dylan, or Noodlesandbeef, or Master:


Please keep in mind, Tank has passed. The following statement is from the executor of his estate and was sent out via Noodlesandbeefs official weekly newsletter through an email blast.

Tank had a persistent cough for several months. Otherwise, he seemed fine, doing the things he loved — working out, caring for clients as part of Lifelong AIDS Alliance, and spending time with his family. Until a week ago when he had trouble breathing and was admitted to the hospital with what we figured was a routine infection. It turned out to be much more. He fought very hard, seeming to get a tiny bit better day by day, until the terrible moment that we were told nothing more could be done.

After helping people, Tank’s greatest passion was for his partner, Dylan. Together for over eight years, their love overcame challenges the size of continents, and persisted as an unbreakable bond. Tank’s devotion and love for his partner was absolute. Tank’s final words to Dylan were “Thank you for allowing me to serve you.”

On November 29th, 2017, reported that Peter Novak died of a pulmonary embolism on November 16th. He was a graphic designer who loved to draw. He also had a Tumblr, and a pup name.

Peter ran a Tumblr of his own, filled with drawings of beefy men with gigantic muscles, penises and more.

Peter’s “About Me” section has the following:

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with growing bodies and big men of all shapes. If you’re wondering why I do, well, I couldn’t really tell you. I grew up fixated on those episodes of cartoons where a character got really buff or bloated.

The following photo and caption were posted on his Tumblr:


Body update — weight stabilizing around 265 lbs, 1250cc silicone

On November 14th, two days before Peter’s death, Noodlesandbeef posted the following on his Tumblr, along with the following photo:


On November 16th, the day of Peter’s death, Noodlesandbeef posted the following to Instagram:


On November 29 2017, a man named Robert Waltman posted the following on Facebook:


On October 17th, 2018, Rob Waltman posted the following on a thread about Tank’s death:


One of Tank’s last Tumblr posts is about his being a slave to his Master Dylan, and the daily affirmation he is required to recite every morning.

As part of my ongoing training as His slave, He recently tasked me with rewriting my mantra as a daily affirmation of my service. It needed to include an acknowledgment of who and what I am and my role in our relationship, and an expression of my desire to serve my Master. So now every morning when I rise, the first thing I do is kneel, bow my head, place my hands behind my back, and recite this.

I am a slave. I have the heart of a slave and the desire for a life of service I crave structure and discipline, use and degradation I choose to submit because I know that surrender is freedom My submission is my strength

I am my Master’s slave. I am His owned property I am His to command and His to use I will obey and serve Him with everything I am Because in service there is purpose, peace, and happiness

I am a slave And my heart is full.

The internet is written in ink.

For more information, see this Tumblr post:

Further Sources not Screenshotted:

This whole situation greatly disturbs me.  Makes me angry.  Those responsible will get what’s coming to them.  Soon.